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             Pine Forest Braucherei

This is a meeting place for information about the Pennsylvania Dutch healing/magical art of Braucherei, as well as all things Pennsylvania Dutch because as a culture all things are part of the whole. Braucherei, which became affectionately known as Powwow in some regions of Pennsylvania, is the folk healing practice that our ancestors brought with them from the Palatinate region of what is now parts of Germany, Switzerland, Austria, and France, respectively.  Braucherei is described by Yvonne Millspaw as "a form of healing based on ancient continental European magical and religious beliefs."  The tradition uses amulets, incantations, prayers, blessings, charms, and conjurations through ritual.  The Pennsylvania Dutch translation of the word means "trying," and when we Powwow for someone, we say we are "trying for" someone.

Pine Forest Braucherei is a community is a welcoming place where one who is of Pennsilfaanisch Deitsch descent can learn more from one another within our grouooups and forums, and among the articles.  It is also a place where those outside of the culture are welcome to do the same.  Our ancestors came to this land carrying history and ancestry rich in ideas, beliefs, and uniqueness that blended together to create the Pennsylvania Dutch culture that thrives here in Pennsylvania today.  In this space, we recognize that traditional Pennsylvania Dutch Brauchers have training and experience which guide their own expression and practice of our shared, beautiful art due to region of upbringing, family traditions, background, beliefs, and other personal life experiences.  As a community, the Brauchers within Pine Forest Braucherei support one another so we can reach those in need of healing and help. We work to establish good will toward each other, and our neighbors; to move toward one another, rather than separate.  Our work as Brauchers is not within institutions or churches, it is inside our communities, out in the world, doing the work of the Divine, together.  "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."  Galatians 3:28.

As members of Pine Forest Braucherei we share a common mission to preserve the culture, community, and traditions of our Pennsylvania Dutch / Pennsylvania German ancestors.  We seek to try for those in need of protection and healing, through our connection to God and nature, with Braucherei.  We endeavor to live our lives the best way we know how, with mindfulness, gratitude, grace, togetherness, and forgiveness.  

With peace, joy, light, and love;


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