As we enter the Winter cycle, a time of going within, hibernation, self-reflection, and healing, everything slows down, including our digestion and our metabolism. This natural slow-down can create a back-up of sodium, fat, and toxins in the body that wreak havoc on our bodies, including inflammation that leads to joint pain and exacerbation of existing health problems.
We have many complex recipes in the Pennsylvania Dutch culture. So, here is a simple soup hack to reduce inflammation, cleanse the blood, and promote relaxation, an added bonus this time of year.
Simply pour a 32-ounce container of organic, Garden Tomato (made with Oat Milk to reduce inflammation) into the blender, add 4 ounces of peeled, fresh ginger root, and two small, peeled organic carrots. Blend thoroughly, then heat in a pot. It's that simple.
by Gretchen Swank; 12/6/2022