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Refreshing & Relaxing: Lemon Balm Water

Herbal remedies are an integral element of the lifestyle of a Pennsylvania Dutch Braucher, as well as an important aspect of the Pennsylvania Dutch culture in general.

Lemon Balm is one of my favorite herbs to work with as it is a very calming herb that has been used since the Middle Ages to reduce stress and anxiety. It can improve sleep, as well as digestion. Lemon Balm is great for reducing the symptoms of psychological trauma, and neurological pain. Lemon Balm is a safe herb; however, it should not be used by persons with hypothyroidism, as it can slow metabolism and increase appetite. As always, consult your physician before using any her / herbal remedy.

I grow Lemon Balm both in my outdoor garden and inside my house. I love using the fresh leaves to make Lemon Balm Water. During the Summer months this is a refreshing drink. Simply add a handful of freshly picked Lemon Balm leaves to either 6 or 8 oz. fresh spring water inside a mason jar. I prefer to gather water from a freshwater spring on the mountain behind my house, but bottled spring water is fine too. Close the jar with the appropriate lid and place in direct sunlight for 24 hours. In the above picture, the leaves have been steeping in the water all day, and you can visually see the water tinted green from the natural oils of the Lemon Balm infusion. The following morning, after the morning sun strikes the jar for a couple of hours, strain and add the squeeze of half a fresh lemon. You can drink it concentrated, or you can pour into a water bottle containing more fresh spring water and ice to dilute the mixture and drink it slowly throughout your day. This is my go-to infusion when working at my Wilderness Survival School.

I harvest and dry leaves from my Lemon Balm plants all season so I can use them to make hot tea recipes in the Fall and Winter months.

Lemon Balm contains a high amount of antioxidants, Thiamin, and Vitamin C. In addition to the benefits listed above, it is great for your immune system and for physical recovery of your physical body.

Stay tuned for more... and enjoy your day!

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