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Winter Dry Skin Remedy

Updated: Dec 18, 2022

'Tis the season for dry skin. My son suffers terribly from itchy, moisture-deprived skin every winter. My Lemon Balm Oil remedy works wonders for spot-treatments on particularly irritated areas, or patches of skin he scratches raw, and store-bought organic lotions have fallen short of expectations for after-bath coverage, so this morning I crafted my own, total-body, skin healing, remedy. The ingredients are simple: Fresh aloe, organic coconut oil, and Tea Tree essential oils. This remedy is also fabulous for your face, and its anti-inflammatory properties are excellent for your body's joints, especially when applied to problem areas pre-bath.

Here is how to make it:

  • Cut the ends off of two medium-sized alone leaves (where the yellow liquid originates, you do not want the yellow liquid in your remedy, it is toxic internally).

  • Slice open your aloe leaves and scrape the thick, sticky, aloe gel and juice from the skin into a large bowl.

  • Use a whisk to mix the aloe until it is smooth.

  • Add approximately 4 tablespoons of coconut oil and 4 drops of Tea Tree Oil.

  • Mix with a whisk until mixture is creamy.

* Note: you may need to add more coconut oil and you can add a few more drops of Tea Tree Oil, if desired. The mixture will not be fully integrated, mix until the liquid and oil portions are in balanced distribution throughout the white cream, and then jar.

Store in the refrigerator between uses and remove to sit at room temperature for approximately 30 - 60 minutes before use.

by Gretchen Swank; 12/17/2022

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